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Panasonic DMW-BLH7E Battery

Panasonic DMW-BLH7E Battery

Panasonic DMW BLH7E Battery

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5 Star Rating
Panasonic DMWBLH7E Battery gets 5 out of 5 based on 2 ratings

Panasonic DMWBLH7E Battery

Brand: Panasonic

List Price: N/A

Price Range: £49.99 - £49.99

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Panasonic DMW BLH7E Battery

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    Rating Comments
    5 Star Rating Quality protection
    By: Mr I, on February 11, 2018

    "Lovely camera case for a lovely camera. This kit is further desirable due to the inclusion of a battery. The case is like an old style of camera case where the case is split in two pieces. The case s attached to the camera via the tripod screw. The body of the case is split in two therefore by opening the case, the camera is exposed but the case is still attached to the camera. Very high quality leather and product.

    5 Star Rating Original batteries that works (not as the chinese cheap verions)
    By: Birbal, on August 31, 2017

    "I have made the mistake to order the cheap Chinese version but had to return it as the outer cover layer was slightly too big and the batterry had to be forced down the camera which would make it very difficult to remove it afterwards. These one are original and works as the inital one I have got with the camera. They are identical and lasts the same amount of time. I'm glad that I was able to return the chinese version for these original ones.

    Compare prices for Panasonic DMW-BLH7E Battery - Buy Panasonic DMW-BLH7E Battery prices checked on March 14, 2025

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